
CompaToon provides with Tools dedicated to Cartoon Animation.


Animation Tools

toonExpoBlackPopup400ToonExpo4After (Free Edition)

This Plugin integrates an Exposure Sheet (Dope Sheet)  in After Effect.

compatible with Adobe After Effect CS3 to CC.
(currently is supported by Windows only).

See Documentation

Download ToonExpo (Free Edition) + Sample Files
( Windows After Effects CS/CC )

 Production Tools

ToonBox Standalone

See Documentation

With this Standalone Program you can:

Automates the creation of BoxAnim files from a break down list with importation of assets from a library for Harmony,Animate,After Effects or 3DsMax Scene.

Automates the export of Flash, 3dsMax, Photoshop scene as a list of swf or png files and an exposure sheet descriptor file.

Automates the creation of movies files from Flash, 3dsMax, After Effects files.

Scan Mode : Scan directory content and automatically process each file dropped in.

Download ToonBox
Windows X64
    Download ToonBox


This After Effect Plug-in combines with a set of tools for general tasks in the production.

Create and Import  :

Create the AfterEffect project scene from the animatic movies or the break Down List and populate it with the Assets of the production.

Import an animated scene (as a set of png or swf files) defined by an xml descriptor (or not).

Import an animated scene (as a set of png or swf files) defined by an xml descriptor (or not).

Import a list of assets (Background / Animatic …)  defined by the scène name and/or a breakDownList.

Download ToonBox4After
( Windows After Effects CS/CC)

Used in …

roger  ollie  les_legendaires  cabane-icon  mxm  crumpets  sisters  squish  TomTomEtNana